BRI/PRI Line Related Issue Troubleshooting Content

Line Connection Issue

Check List

  1. Check your BRI/PRI cable is good or not.
  2. Check BRI/PRI line setup information is correct or not with your provider.
  3. Check the common causes of the issue: Common Causes of BRI/PRI Line Connection Failure

Log & Packet Capture

  1. Screenshot of your BRI/PRI Trunk settings
  2. BRI/PRI line setup information from provider or the other side
  3. BRI/PRI debug log with the result of command:
  • dahdi show status
  • pri show spans

How to get the BRI/PRI packets?

U-Series/Gateway: BRI/PRI debug for U-Series
S-Series: BRI/PRI debug for S-Series


Incoming Call Failure

Check List

  1. Check BRI/PRI line connection is good or not.
  2. Check if the inbound route is configured well nor not.
  3. Check if the caller number is in the blacklist. Blacklist/Whitelist
  4. Check the common causes of the issue: Common Causes of BRI/PRI Incoming Call Failure

Log & Packet Capture

  1. Screenshot of your BRI/PRI Trunk settings.
  2. BRI/PRI debug log  when you replicate the issue.
  3. Test result of the check list.

How to get the BRI/PRI packets?

U-Series/Gateway: BRI/PRI debug for U-Series
S-Series: BRI/PRI debug for S-Series
For S-Series, you can also try System Log with PRI debug option enabled: System Log


Outgoing Call Failure

Check List

  1. Check BRI/PRI line connection is good or not.
  2. Check if the outbound route is configured well nor not.
  3. Check if the extension has been restricted by outbound restriction. (S-Series Only) Extension Call Permission
  4. Check if the dialed number is in the blacklist. Blacklist/Whitelist
  5. Check the common causes of the issue: Common Causes for BRI/PRI Outgoing Call Failure

Log & Packet Capture

  1. Test result of the check list.
  2. Screenshot of your BRI/PRI Trunk settings including DOD settings.
  3. BRI/PRI debug log  when you replicate the issue.

How to get the BRI/PRI packets?

U-Series/Gateway: BRI/PRI debug for U-Series
S-Series: BRI/PRI debug for S-Series
For S-Series, you can also try System Log with PRI debug option enabled: System Log

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