How to Get System Log

This capture would include the Asterisk CLI log at debug level 2 information if you check the Debug option. To get an effective log, you need to learn the guideline of log capture. See the picture below, the key is to take the correct timing to make sure the issue has been included in the log.




S-Series/Cloud PBX/K2



Go to the menu Maintenance> System log

Then follow the procedure:

  1. Check the “Debug” option or other related options as required in the Log Level menu, and click the “Save” and "Apply" buttons.
  2. Start to make a call or start to replicate the issue.
  3. If the issue is replicated, end the call or stop the action; if the issue is not replicated, continue the test till you replicate.
  4. Download the log of the date that issue happened.
  5. Post us the log package.

When do we need to check the "Debug" option?

If needed, check the specific debug type (SIP Debug, RTP Debug...) as Yeastar support advice; if not, just leave blank for the options. Or you can see the recommendation:

  • For SIP related issue, check "Enable SIP Debug", IP can be blank if you don't know which IP address to be filtered. Then click "Save".
  • For RTP related issue, check "Enable RTP Debug", IP can be blank if you don't know which IP address to be filtered. Then click "Save".
  • For BRI related issue, check  "Enable BRI Debug" and select the port you are going to test. Then click "Save".
  • For PRI/SS7/R2 related issues, check  "Enable SS7/PRI Debug" and select the port you are going to test. Then click "Save".




S-Series/Cloud PBX/K2

Go to the menu Maintenance> System log

Then follow the procedure:

  1. Check the “Debug” option or other related options as required, and click the “Save” and "Apply" buttons.
  2. Start to make a call or start to replicate the issue.
  3. If the issue is replicated, end the call or stop the action; if the issue is not replicated, continue the test till you replicate.
  4. Download the log of the date that issue happened.
  5. Post us the log package.

When do we need to check the "Debug" option?

If needed, check the specific debug type (SIP Debug, RTP Debug...) as Yeastar support advice; if not, just leave blank for the options. Or you can see the recommendation:

  • For SIP related issue, check "Enable SIP Debug", IP can be blank if you don't know which IP address to be filtered. Then click "Save".
  • For RTP related issue, check "Enable RTP Debug", IP can be blank if you don't know which IP address to be filtered. Then click "Save".
  • For BRI related issue, check  "Enable BRI Debug" and select the port you are going to test. Then click "Save".
  • For PRI/SS7/R2 related issues, check  "Enable SS7/PRI Debug" and select the port you are going to test. Then click "Save".
  • For SMS related issue like SMStoEmail, EmailtoSMS issue, check  "Enable SMS Debug". Then click "Save".



Yeastar Gateway

This log is not available for the Yeastar gateway.

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