Expand the Time of Customized Voicemail Greeting


When we use the feature code '*2' to customize our voicemail greeting, there is a limit that we can't record the voicemail greeting more than 30 seconds. In this guide, we will teach you how to expand the time of the voicemail greeting. 


Settings on S-Series VoIP PBX

Step 1: Login SSH, go to the directory '/ysdisk/support/customcfg/' (for U-Series the directory is: '/persistent/custom-cfg/')

Reference:  How to Log in SSH of Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX

For U-Series: How to Login the SSH of Yeastar MyPBX

Step 2: Creating a file 'voicemail_custom.conf', then adding below content in it. 'maxgreet=60' means the time of voicemail greeting can be 60 seconds.


maxgreet = 60




S-Series: How to Create Custom Conf Files in Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX

U-Series: User Defined Configuration Modification

Step 3: Login web, Save and Apply any changes to take its effect.

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