The issue basically consists of 3 parts. Web settings, SMS function, email function. Refer to the following checklist to troubleshoot in sequence.
Check List
Web settings
1. Check the settings on the web to see if anything incorrect:
- U-Series & TGv2: How to Use Email to SMS
- TGv3: How to Use Email to SMS on TGv3
- S-Series: How to Use Email to SMS on S-Series PBX
2. Understand the SMS to Email workflow: Email to SMS Work Flow
Email Part
1. Check and test the POP3 settings: Email Settings on Yeastar Products
2. Make sure your email account has been enabled with POP downloading.
3. Ensure the email subject is correct according to the guide. Specifically the port, and target number.
Uncheck the country code. Then try different formats of numbers in the email subject for sending SMS. And check which one could work.
- "+" + "country code" + "mobile number" like: +86123456789
- "00" + "country code" + "mobile number" like: 0086123456789
- "mobile number" like: 123456789
4. Clear the signature of the email which is for sending SMS.
SMS Part
1. Get the SMSCore to debug log: SMSCore Debug
2. Check the Sending SMS Failure Troubleshooting
Log & Packet Capture
Post us the logs in the above steps if you could not solve the issue.