When you answer the call from analog line in PBX or TA FXO gateway. The internal extension/party would hear the echo himself.
In this case, please check the below parameters.
- Please check Trunk->Analog trunk/FXO port, don’t set the RX/TX volume more than 100%. Please try to decrease the TX Volume as possible as you can.
- Enable Echo Cancellation on Trunk->Analog trunk->Advanced. Note: please reboot the device to take the changes effect.
- Please check PBX->General->Preferences->FXO Mode, try to change it to your country. Note: please reboot the device to take the changes effect.
- Try to make your power socket connect ground. Normally the socket has 3 line, Naught wire, Live wire and Earth wire. Please make the power ground then have a test.
- If it is S-Series, try to use the impedance tool followed by this guide: FXO Impedance Match Tool Instruction
Log & Packet Capture
Post us the FXO signal capture when you replicate the issue followed by this guide: How to Get the FXO/FXS/GSM Port Signal Capture