Integrating Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX with OutCALL


OutCALL is an application designed for integration with Microsoft Outlook while placing and receiving phone calls. The application includes: Outlook contacts integration, incoming calls pop-up window notification. Download OutCALL here

This guide introduces how to integrate Yeastar S-Series IPPBX and OutCALL to achieve making outgoing calls from OutCALL and receiving calls on OutCALL.

Step 1. Enable AMI on Yeastar S-Series IPPBX

  1. Log in S-Series IPPBXweb interface, navigate to Settings > System > Security > Service, enable AMI feature.
  2. Specify the AMI username and password according to your needs. Here we set the username and password as below:
    •  Username: admin
    • Password: password
  3. Add a permitted IP/submit mask that will be allowed to access S-Series IPPBX via AMI.                         __1.png

Step 2. Configure OutCALL application

  1. Launch Outcall, right click __2.png at the bottom right corner of your desktop, go to Settings > Server, configure the server settings.   __3.png
    •  Server:  IP of Yeastar S-Series IPPBX
    •  Username:  enter the username of AMI
    •  Password:  enter the password of AMI
    •  Port: 5038
  2.  Go to Settings > Extensions, click Add, and configure the extension, then click OK. __4.png
    • Extension: enter an extension number of Yeastar S-Series IPPBX.
    • Protocol: choose PJSIP.
  3. Go to Settings > Dialing rules > General, set the Outgoing context. The format of Outgoing         context is DLPN_DialPlanXXXX, XXXX means extension number.  __5.png
  4. Click OK and Apply. If the OutCALL is successfully connected to Yeastar S-Series IPPBX, the icon status will turn to__10.png.

Step 3. Synchronize contacts from outlook

  Right click__10.png , then click Sync Contacts > From Outlook, OutCall will synchronize contacts from                outlook.

Step 4. Test Calls on OutCALL

  1.  Launch OutCALL, the following figure will appear. You can type phone number in the Phone field or choose a contact number, click Call to call the number.
  2. Your extension 1020 will first ring, pick up the call and the call will be established between extension 1020 and the destination number.
  3. If you there is a call reaches extension 1020, you will see a pop-up window on OutCALL as below.  __9.png
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