I have a YeaStar S20 (software version with two analogue lines connected to FXO ports 3/4. I want to be able to identify which FXO trunk a call is coming in on when it arrives at the destination phone.
I've marked Enable DNIS and entered a text string for DNIS Name (Trunks/Edit/Advance for the FXO port). I've tried various values in the DID field for the Inbound Trunk (Call Control/Edit Trunk) to no avail. All I need is for every call coming through this trunk to pass that fact to the IP Phone (Avaya J179).
Can anyone tell me how to get this to work, or how I can identify what needs to go in the DID field. If I use the analogue phone number no calls come through to the IP phone, using a "!", all phone calls come through but none show the DNIS label so I cannot establish the route in.