How to Extend Speed Dial List (Video)

- Customization general guide: How to Create Custom Config Files in Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX

- VI command guide: Linux basic command and operation - vi command

- Dialplan reference for the video:

exten = _*99.,5,Set(SNUM=${EXTEN:3})
exten = _*99.,n,Set(result=${SHELL(awk -F: '$1~/^${SNUM}$/{print $2}' /ysdisk/tftpboot/speeddial.txt)})
exten = _*99.,n,Set(result1=${result:0:-1})
exten = _*99.,n,NOOP(${result1})
exten = _*99.,n,Gotoif($["${result1}" = ""]?noresult,1)
exten = _*99.,n,NOOP(${EXTEN}:${result1})
exten = _*99.,n,Goto(${CONTEXT},${result1},1)
exten = noresult,1,Hangup()

- Command in the last step:


astserisk -vr

dialplan reload

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