change log


New article:Yeastar PBX Migration Tool

New article:Call forwarding doesn't work if extension is added to ring group or queue

New article:How to replace particular system prompt with personalized message in Italian




New article:How to dial special code to enable particular service?

New article:Schedule IP phone reboot in Yeastar PBX

New article:How to connect TA FXO gateway with P-series cloud PBX

New article:Linkus Desktop client without Chat feature

New article:How to Configure Sarenet Sip Trunk in P Series PBX

New article:How to connect TG gateway with P-series cloud PBX

New article:How to prepare for P-Series Software Edition installation

New article:Linkus app doesn't receive calls in background mode




New article: How to interconnect two PBXs in different sites without having to open ports in firewall

New article: analog issue collection

New article: audio issue collection

New article: feature failure issue collection

Redesign the "create a ticket " page:






New article: Why recently can't make outgoing calls through Companyflex sip trunk?

New article: Possible solutions for failing installing P-Series Software Edition on hardware servers

New article: How to prepare for P-Series Software Edition installation

New article: How to get token with PHP code for P-Series API interface



New article:P-Series Software Edition installation failed due to server didn't support Ubuntu20

New article:How to add network card for PSE WAN port in EXSi platform

New article:Why linkus PC client is still able to view recording menu even the permission is disabled?

New article:Why recently can't make outgoing calls through Companyflex sip trunk?

New article:How to login/logout agent by queue manager?



New article:How to upgrade the TG/TA/TE gateway

New article:Display the Originator Caller ID for the Forwarding Call via SIP Trunk on P-Series

New article:Why there is 404 error when trying to access FQDN domain?

New article:Why Linkus Desktop can't see Company contacts



New article: How to Use Call Pickup in P-Series

New article: Transfer bounce back feature for blind transfer



New article: How to Use OpenSSL Tool to Generate Certificate Files for Yeastar P-Series TLS Extension Registration

Add rotating video list:




New article: How to add network card for PSE WAN port in EXSi platform

New article: How to support more time conditions for s-series IPPBX



New article: Why the PBX no Linkus Desktop Client

New article: Play queue announcements in different languages from IVR



New article: Linkus shows "Connected to server" when user answer the call in 4G network

New article: Temporarily Firmware to Fix the Call Failed issue From TB Gateway to P Series CloudPBX



New article: API get token receives error code 40002

New article: How to Install Yeastar Linkus for Google Temp Version

New article: How to Switch TLS Transport for Linkus Extension in P-CE

New article: Workplace Checklist

New article: Japan NTT PSTN line-Caller ID issue



New article:How to set maximum waiting callers in queue for s-series pbx

New article:Route calls to failover destination if all agents are busy

New article:The script to restric calls in the queue



New article:Script for simple boss secretary feature



Add new topics:


New article:  Can't hear Ringback tone when making outgoing calls through Easybell sip trunk

New article:  How to display the original Caller ID when call forwarding through Sipgate sip trunk



New article: Temporarily Firmware to Fix the Call Failed Issue Between TGV3 and P Series CloudPBX

New article: Temporarily Firmware to Fix the Call Failed issue From TA FXO Gateway to P Series CloudPBX

Add hot search feature:




New article: How to install Yeastar Linkus for Google ?

New article: Script to restric calls in the queue



New webinars: Yeastar Troubleshooting Webinar




New article: Gmail Email Sent Failure on Yeastar from May 30, 2022



New article: P-Series Auto Provisioning Checklist



New article: Yeastar Recording Downloader



New article: Register Avaya J-Series to P-Series PBX



New article: Script for transfer bounce back feature

New article: Script for different channel language in IVR


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