Forwarding Call through Sewan SIP trunk No Audio


  • Model: P-Series hareware and software PBX only
  • Firmware version: or higher



When a call incoming from Sewan Trunk and forward out via the Sewan Trunk. You might mee the audio issue aftre the forwarding call is answered by the called party (The called party B in the following call flow).

 A --- Sewan Trunk --> Yeastar PBX --> Sewan Trunk  --> B



It requires the knowledge of the custom config method: How to Create Custom Config Files in Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX.

1 - Login SSH followed by this article:  Access the System via SSH (

2 - modify /ysdisk/support/customcfg/gncustom.conf

Insert 1 line:  /etc/asterisk/pjsip_endpoint.conf

Under [modifyfile]


3 - Create pjsip_endpoint_custom.conf in the /ysdisk/support/customcfg/ via SSH. And fill in the content in pjsip_endpoint_custom.conf





XXX is the trunk name on PBX.


4 - Apply any change for the SIP trunk. Click Save and Apply. And later revert the change.

5 - Test according to your case. To see if the custom config works.


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