- Model: P-Series
- Firmware version: Preivew version X.37.17.32101 (official version X.18.0.18 or later)
- Template version: See the version mentioned in the guide
- Mitel Model: See the models mentioned in the guide
Supported module and respective models.
- RFP 44
- RFP 45
- RFP 47
- RFP 48
Preview firmware to support Mitel DECT auto provisioning:
For BYOI user can get this mark file to upload to your YCM repository menu to download the firmware:
For Turnkey user, please send email to to get the firmware support.
Supported template version:
YSDP_MitelDECT: 1.0.0
1. Configure IP Address for RFP base.
Use Mitel OM Confiugrator to configure IP address
1.1 Scan the base
Scan the base first, and input the username pasword. For new device or device after factory reset, the default username and password is omm/omm. If you have configured other password before, fill in the custom password.
1.2 Edit the base
Edit the base with an available IP adress, netmask and gateway IP adrees. Check the option "Use local config".
Configure the OMM address. TFTP address is not needed to configure in this step. Click OK.
1.3 Send the configuration to the base
If all goes well, you will see successful message.
2. PARK registration for the RFP base
2.1 Login RFP base web interface (OMM).
Login the web interface in the broswer by the IP address you just configured.
Accept Agreement
Change omm&SSH password.
2.2 Get PARK repsonse file
Tick the Adanced option, and go to System Settings menu.
Click the Manual Park import button. If you can make Online PARK request, then just do it. Here we introduce the Manual Park import method.
Download the request file,
then upload the the request file to the Mitel license website:
Imort the Request file to get the repsons file on the website.
The response file will be downloaded.
2.3 Upload Park response file.
Upload the response file and import.
It will prompt you OMM will be restared to finish the PARK registration.
3. Configure Reguloary Domain
When OMM is ready, login again.
Go to OMM System Settings menue to configure Reguloary Domain as EMEA. EMEA option is commonly used in Europe region.
Click OK
WLAN can stay as None.
4. Add RFP base on PBX Auto Provisioning menu
4.1 Add a RFP base, fill in its MAC address
4.2 Assign extension for handsets
Select Tones and Time Zone
Enable LDAP based on your need.
4.3 Save and get the provisioning link
5. Fill in provisioning link to base
Go to the Provisioning & Software Update menu, Go to the section "Provisioning URL".
Take my provisioning link as example:
Fill in the blanks like this:
- Active: Ticked
- Protocol: HTTP
- Server:
- Port: 7778
- Path: api/autoprovision/LQNcXLjlVhHW9bDc
Click OK.
6. Trigger Provisioning
Go to the System Settings menu, click Restart button on the top.
Click OK to restart.
Wait for 3 minutes, then login OMM again.
Go to the SIP Users/Device menu, to check if the Auto-create on subscription is On or not.
If it is on it means the RFP base has download config file succfully from PBX.
Also, event log will show the status.
7. Handset Subsription
Add new subscription on your handset. The auth code is 22222.
8. User Login
Login the user on your handset.
User ID and Password/PIN are both the extension number.
After input, wait for a few seconds, the handset will register to PBX.