IMS SIP Trunk Registration Guide


  • PBX Model:  S-Series/K2
  • Firmware version: 30/80.8.0.X or higher


The client might have a dedicated IMS SIP trunk from the provider. This kind of SIP trunk usually offers a dedicated cable to be connected with which comes from a specific ISP router, and it's exclusive for voice only without Internet access function.

Have already one similar guide: SIP Dedicated Trunk Application for S-Series VoIP PBX, it is not for IMS trunk as the IMS trunk has something different.



The cases about we have connected the IMS SIP trunk successfully:

  • IMS Vendor: Huawei, ZTE
  • IMS provider: Claro, Telefonica, China Mobile, OTE Greece, Etislalat UAE etc...

IMS SIP trunk mainly follows the 3GPP and SIP RFC3261 protocol. Different countries may have slightly different localize parameters, but not big. Therefore this guide could cover most cases. 


Network Environment

Here is the topology sample:



Here we have a sample:

The IMS SIP trunk interface IP address and SIP trunk Information are offered by the carrier in the practical case.


IP address:



PBX WAN (ISP Router Interface offered)

IP address:



IMS SIP Trunk IP address:
Local Network Public IP IP address: 120.41.*.*



1. Network Settings

  • Fill in the IP address accordingly as the above table mentions.
  • Use Dual Mode.
  • Set LAN as the default interface.


Add a static route for the IMS SIP trunk. Here we the */24 segment of the IMS SIP trunk address. 


This is to make sure the media server of the IMS SIP trunk can be communicated correctly as well. Because sometimes the media server IP address is different from the SIP trunk registration server IP address. But in most cases, a 24 netmask could cover the range.


2. Firewall Settings

For a similar reason as the static route, we add firewall accept rule for the IMS SIP trunk. Also, in most cases, a 24 netmask could cover the range.


3. SIP Trunk Settings

3.1 Go to the Trunks menu and add 1 SIP trunk.

1) If it is a Register-Type IMS SIP trunk.

Fill in the parameters like the following figure:


Parameter Tips

  • Hostname/IP: the IP address/domain of the IMS SIP trunk server. For example,
  • Port: by default, it is 5060.
  • Domain: the domain of the IMS SIP trunk server. For example,
  • Username: the phone number of the IMS SIP trunk, usually it starts with prefix +.  For example, +86592123456
  • Authentication Name:  use the format - Username@Domain. For example,
  • From User:  it is the same as the Username. For example, +86592123456

2) If it is a Peer-Type IMS SIP trunk.

Fill in the parameters like the following figure:


Parameter Tips

  • Hostname/IP: the IP address/domain of the IMS SIP trunk server. For example,
  • Port: by default, it is 5060.
  • Domain: the WAN port IP address. For example,
  • Caller ID Number: the phone number of the IMS SIP trunk, prefix + is few to be seen. For example, 86592123456.
  • Caller ID Name: it is the same as the Caller ID Number. For example, 86592123456.

3.2 Other SIP trunk settings.

1) Enable User Phone option. 

Edit the SIP trunk, go to the Advanced tab to check this option.

Not every carrier requires it, but it is safe to tick this option.


2) Enable Support Early Media option. 

Go to the menu PBX> General> SIP> Advanced tab to check this option.

Not every carrier requires it if you could not hear the carrier's progress tone or congestion prompt when making outbound calls, please check this option.

It is safe to tick this option even if you don't have the problem as above.


3) Sometimes you need to set the Maxptime to an integral multiple value of 120ms according to the 3GPP when you have call failure to the users who use the VoLTE service. For example:

Go to the menu PBX> General> SIP> Advanced tab to set the Maxptime to 240ms.


If you don't have the problem, just keep the default settings.


4. SIP NAT Settings

This section only applies to the situation when you use the remote extension at the same time. If you have the remote extension application, please skip this section.

Add the PBX LAN port segment, WAN port segment, and the IMS SIP trunk segment into the Local Network Identification.



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