In case, you already have the NBN internet service, and you are going to purchase their Business SIP trunk service. Yeastar would be able to interconnect with the Telstra NTU to use the Telstra Business Trunk service. Below is the simple topology of the interconnection.
In the following, we would show the how the settings is configured. If you are not familiar with the NTU settings, please get the help from the Telstra support.
Option 1. Peer Type Trunk
On the Telstra NTU
Setup the Northbound Interface first on the Telstra BSIP server. Go to the menu, NTU Provisioning Wizard > PBX Type = Ethernet (SIP PBX).
Don’t allow overstamping in the NTU config Provisioning Wizard > VoiceGlobal Provisioning Wizard > IPPBX Settings. Then follow the steps:
- Use Ericsson LG iPECS 2.2/3 type system (Utilize the LG profile).
- Use “Gateway Attached” Topology and then select Load PABX Profile settings and Load
device settings. - Fill in ONLY the PABX IP address. Don’t Check the Register PBX or Authenticate PBX boxes
SAVE the config on NTU.
On the Yeastar PBX
Create a SIP Peer Trunk pointing to the NTU IP address you configured on the LAN and use Port 5062 to Register the Trunk instead of 5060
- Codecs that are valid: G722, G711u, G711A, G729a.
- Change the Qualify Frequency to 30 seconds. (Settings> PBX> General> SIP> General)
Create proper inbound and outbound routes on both devices finally.
Option 2. Register Type Trunk
On the Telstra NTU
Setup the Northbound Interface first on the Telstra BSIP server.
Go to the meu, NTU Provisioning Wizard > PBX Type = Ethernet (SIP PBX)
Don’t allow overstamping in the NTU config Provisioning Wizard > VoiceGlobal Provisioning Wizard > IPPBX Settings. Then follow the steps:
- Use Ericsson LG iPECS 2.2/3 type system. (Utilize the LG profile)
- Use Gateway attached Topology and then select Load PABX Profile settings and Load device settings.
- Tick Boxes to Turn ON .
- “Register PABX” and “Authenticate PABX”0
- Fill in the PABX IP Address that it uses to reach the NTU. Same SubNet as NTU WAN
- Assuming the Full National Number is 0881625150
- Fill in the PABX (AOR) address of record = 881625150 (or some random number)
- Fill in the Username same number as above (AOR)
- *Note the above 2 numbers are the FNN with the Zero removed from the front.
- Fill in the password you have selected.
- SAVE the config on NTU
On the Yeastar PBX
Create a Register Trunk pointing to the NTU IP address you configured on the LAN and use Port 5062 to Register the Trunk instead of 5060.
- Codecs that are valid. G722 G711u G711A G729a
- Use the Username and Password you selected on the NTU from above for the Trunk.
- Change the Default Incoming/Outgoing Registration time to 170 seconds and Qualify Frequency to 30 seconds. (Settings> PBX> General> SIP> General)
- Registration Attempts to 0. (Settings> PBX> General> SIP> General)
After above settings, the NTU should show the PABX as Registered on both the Status>Voice Southbound interface and the Provisioning Wizard >IPPBX pages
Create proper inbound and outbound routes on both devices finally.