Web Login Password Recovery Suggestion

  • For S-Series & K2 Series

We recommend you could recover it by email that you configured in the initial setup. So you could follow this article: How to Use the Feature - Forget Password?

If no email set, the only way is to reset the device which would erase all data.


  • For Cloud PBX

- Firstly we recommend you could recover it by email that you configured in the initial setup. (email setting is mandatory for Cloud PBX) So that you could follow this article: How to Use the Feature - Forget Password?

- If there is problem with the email to recover password. Please contact our support to recover your password. Also post us your PBX domain (Important).


  • For Gateways, U-Series, N-Series

- Please check if you have SSH access.  If yes, please contact our support to recover your password.

- If no SSH access, please check if you have console access. If yes, please contact our support to recover your password.

- If you don't have any access above, the only way is to reset the device which would erase all data.

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