QueueMetrics Frequently Asked Questions

Yeastar offers the solution with QueueMetrics which is integrated with major features like statistics report, monitoring, but not totally integrated. Some miscellaneous functions are not supported. Please note.


1. Which models support the QueueMetrics solution?

S-Series, U-Series.

U-Series requires manual setup: How to integrate QueueMetrics-Live to MyPBX


2. What is the difference between QueueMetrics-live and QueueMetrics On-Premise?

The features are almost the same. The difference is the service host way. QueueMetrics-live is hosted by cloud, On-Premise is hosted by local server.


3. When you click the the Visit button after you apply the QueueMetrics-live id. It would jump to the QueueMetrics official website.

Please refer this solution: Page Jump to QueueMetrics Official Website


4. Should I login/logout the queue by PBX feature code or by PBX queue agent selection when I am using QueueMetrics solution?

The answer is choose the either way. But you should not login by 2 way at the same time. Also it depends on your need.

1) If you just need the statistics report without monitoring. You can login by PBX featured code or PBX queue agent settings.

2) If you need report and monitoring feature. Please login from the QueueMetrics agent interface. [ This way is recommended ]

You might wonder why.

As QueueMetrics would use a virtual interface to let the agents login or logout. PBX use the other interface to login & logout. It would have some conflicts that you might this issue: Unable to Login or Logout on QueueMetrics Agent User Interface


5. How to understand the Queues respective function on PBX and QueueMetrics?

PBX queue offers the real the telephony feature: ring strategy for agents, queue announcement, music on hold, failover destination and so on.

QueueMetrics queue is a logical virtual queue associated with the corresponding PBX queue which configure agent selections, SLA time and so on.


6. What agent keeps ringing when the agent has logout?

Please check the Question 2 first. Have you tried the wrong way to login? If yes, please logout the queues correctly.

So you might login by both way. But you forgot to logout from the QueueMetrics agent interface.


7. Could we use some feature code to login or logout the QueueMetrics from the phone?

Nope, this feature has not integrated.


8. Could we use the Softphone feature of QueueMetrics?

Nope, this required customized WebRTC feature which has not been supported in S-Series & U-Series.


9. Could we use the Tag feature of QueueMetrics?

Sorry not, this is not supported yet.


10. Could I delete or edit the default System Users on QueueMetrics?

See the the users in the red frame, please NOT delete them. 

Also please don't edit them if you don't understand them well.

Or you are not able to use the QueueMetrics normally.


11. Could I delete or edit the default queue on QueueMetrics?

Refer the question 8. And just don't delete or edit the "00 All" default queue.


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    Will it be possible to add p-series pbx to QueueMetrics in the near future?

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