Analog Line Frequently Asked Questions

1. Inbound call ring delay


When you call to the analog line number, it takes 3-4 rings or about more than 10 seconds to reach the internal extension or other inbound destination.


Our system takes time to detection the caller ID signal of the incoming call.

If the line doesn't have the caller ID service, it would cause the abnormal delay.

While if the line have the caller ID service, the delay would become acceptable to 1-2 rings.


If the line doesn't have the caller ID service, disable the Caller ID detection option on the FXO port settings.


2. Outbound call ring delay


When you make outbound call via the analog line, the called party rings after about more than 10 seconds.


IP phone could not sends digits one by one due to its limit. And system sends the digits after you dialed rather than traditional PABX way of seizing the line in the beginning. 


The problem is the IP phone & system limit, if don't feel that uncomfortable. Please just keep in the current way.

If you mind, you might try alternative solution. Seize PSTN Line Faster


3. Extension Still Rings after inbound caller hangs up.


When you make inbound call via the analog line, and the  inbound caller hangs up. The internal extension or other inbound destination still rings/answers for a few seconds.


It's hangup detection issue. System would detect if the caller really hangup by the ring tone signal the line sends. The defaulting timeout detection is 4 seconds.


Decrease a little ring timeout detection value on the FXO port settings page, for example 3 seconds to make the delay impact minor. However its risky to do that, so we don't recommends this method.

The best way is to purchase the polarity signal service for the line. Then enable the Polarity answer/hangup option.


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