Symptom: There is no FXS port could be selected for the extension.
Check List:
* If it is not S-Series, please skip the steps included with EX08 card test.
- Check the if any physical damage and contact problem for the S2 module.
- Swap slot to install the S2 module on the same motherboard/EX08 board, and check again if the module could be recognized on the web.
- Check if other modules could be recognized on the same EX08 board.
- Swap a S2 module, if you have one.
- If failure happens on above 4 steps. And if the PBX is installed with the other EX08 board, try to install the S2 module on the other EX08 board.
Logging: (If you can’t resolve the issue, please submit the following information to Yeastar)
- Post us the test result of the check list.
- Post us the System Log (S-Series), Dmesg Log (U-Series, N-Series & Gateway)