Transfer Bounce Back


Users want that the call could return the transfer initiator when the target has no response. You might call it "return call to extension".



Use the feature code *3 to perform the built-in attended transfer.



You (B) are talking with A, then transfer the call to C.

  1. During the call with person A, dial *3 on your phone. You will hear the prompt "transfer" and the dial tone.
  2. Dial C's number. You hangup when hear C's phone is ringing. 
  3. If C doesn't answer in the "Attended Transfer Timeout", call would return to B


* This is solution is not available for the transfer button on the IP phone.

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    Hi Xie, this is great, but what happen when I make a blind transfer to a phone that is busy at that moment and it has no call waiting active? In my case, the call falls. It would be more reasonable to come back to  the user that transfer it. Haow can this be done? Thanks. 

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    Please develop this feature more useful for blind transfer.

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    need to be selectable per user/extension

    users who prefer voicemail can disable bounceback while users without voicemail bounceback to original extension

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    How to do a similar scenario if the call cames from an IVR? 

    Caller => Main IVR => Arabic IVR => Extension => not answer (bounce back to Arabic IVR)

    Caller => Main IVR => French IVR => Extension not answers (bounce back to French IVR)

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