When you try to login or logout from QueueMetrics user interface, it just keeps loading, and then failed to login or logout. If you have such kind of issue, please do the following check list. Or you might get any data on the Wallboard & Realtime Report in QueueMetrics.
*Note: This article is suitable for the QueueMetrics live or onPremise solution.
Check List
PBX Side
1. Make sure QM is running, within trial period or activated.
2. AMI username and password should the default one "admin" and "password".
3. Queue for QueueMetrics queue should be created already.
4. Extension for QueueMetrics agent should be created already.
5. Make sure no agents have been selected in the queue. Leave the Selected box blank.
6. Time zone should be same as your local time zone.
7. Ping the QueueMetrics-live URL by Ping Tool in the Maintenance> Troubleshooting menu> IP Ping:
QueueMetrics Side
1. Queue has been correctly configured. Especially the parameter should be in the format of " queue-xxx".
2. Agent Current Terminal should be corresponding to the extension on PBX.
3. Agent has been selected in the queue of QueueMetrics.
4. It's not recommended to delete the default System Users especially the user - "webqloader" should not be deleted for QueueMetrics-live. User - “Ro Bot” should not be deleted for QueueMetrics-on Premise.
5. Time zone should be same as your local time. Check it in the license page.
If the above check list could not help resolve your issue, please seek help from our support. And post us the following information as much as you can.
PBX Side
1. Post us the result in each step of check list PBX side.
2. Get the result by command: ps | grep uniloader. To see if the uniloader process is running or not.
3. Get the Asterisk log, when you are trying to login or logout from QueueMetrics Web. To check if any error when login or logout.
4. Get the Asterisk log by the command: queue-show-queueXXX. XXX is the queue number. To check if any agent login the queue. PJSIP/XXX presents the agent by QueueMetrics side (It would present SIP/XXX for U-Series QueueMetrics solution.). Local/XXX presents the agent login by PBX side.
5. Get the Asterisk log by the command: dialplan show queuemetrics. To see the QueueMetrics dialplan exists.
QueueMetrics Side
1. The result in each step of check list QM side.
2. Copy the system parameters (Home> Administrative Tools> Edit system parameters) in a txt file, and post us the file.
3. Check the result of Live DB inspector (Home> Adminstrative Tools> Diagnostic tools> Live DB inpector).