How to Configure Vodafone Sip Trunk in PAE and PSE

In this guide, we will show you how to register Vodafone sip trunk in P-series Appliance Edition(P550/560/570) and P-series Software edition. 


Normally, Vodafone will provide the sip trunk information to you as below. 


1. Enable SIP TCP Port

PBX Settings > SIP Settings  

Enable SIP TCP Port and reboot to take it effect



2. Add new sip trunk

Extension and Trunk > Trunk

1) Select ISTP Template with General

2) Set Trunk Type with Peer Trunk

3) Select Transport with TCP

4) Set Hostname/IP with Vodafone Service_SBC_IP

5) Set Domain with Vodafone Sip_Domain



3. Add DIDs/DDIs or Outbound Caller ID

If you want to configure the DID or Outbound Caller ID, please make sure the number is start from +49



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