Considerations For PSE Migration


When you want to migrate PSE(P Serial Software PBX) from an old server to a new server with retore PSE's backup, there is something to note.


Applicable Devices

  • P-Series Software Edition



1. Make sure 2 PSE(old PSE & new PSE) with the same firmware and the server can support same number of extensions & concurrent calls.


2. Backup on the old PSE.

Download the backup to your local side.


3. For recording on old PSE, if you want to migrate as well, you can access PBX via FTP and then copy all the recordings then store them on your local side first.

After migrating it, try to paste the recording to the same catalog via FTP.


4. If you are using peer trunk on PSE with PSE Public IP (e.g. PSE install in a Cloud Server Or PSE set with Public IP), to make sure the peer trunk works on new PSE as well, please refer to the below.

a. With a peer trunk, both the PSE side and the peer trunk side need to input each other's IP.

b. So if the PSE IP changes after migration, the peer trunk will fail which needs to ask the trunk side to input the new PSE Public IP for setting it up again.


5. When trying to migrate, stop the old PSE first.


6. Then boot up the new PSE.

For the new PSE,

a. If you already activated it with a free trial license, and would like to restore the backup from the old PSE, please delete all the extensions on the new PSE first.

Then you can restore the backup and activate this PSE with active code for the old one.

b. If it is a new PSE that wasn't activated before, you can activate this PSE with the active code for the old one directly.

Then you can restore the backup.

(Make sure there is no extension on PBX before you restore the backup.)


7. After checking the trunk, the extension registered well, try to make the test call.


8. Then refer to point 3, you can paste the recording to the same catalog via FTP.


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