The PBX is connected to the Twilio trunk, but when dialing the DID number of the Twilio trunk, the PBX does not receive the call.

Issue Description

Yeastar PBX connected to the Twilio trunk, can make outbound calls via Twilio trunk normally, but can't receive the inbound call via Twilio trunk.

From the PBX pcap log analysis, it was found that when dialing the DID number of Twilio trunk, the PBX did not receive any INVITE sip packet from Twilio.



Generally, Origination URIs do not specify where the call is to send.

As shown below, add the domain name or public IP address of the PBX.

After that, make a call to test. If issue persists, capture pcap log to analyze again.


Attached the Twilio trunk configuration guide


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