This guide applies to TA100 and TA200. The way in this guide is to register extension number of the P-Series Cloud PBX manually.
1. Get the extension registration information from PBX.
2. Fill in the registration information on TA100/200.
- Register Mode: Port Register
- Caller ID Name: extension number or a custom name
- Caller ID Number: extension number.
- User Name: extension number.
- Authentication Name: Registration Name of the extension number.
- Password: Registration Password of the extension number.
- From User: extension number
- DID Number: extension number
- Transport: by default using UDP, change it based on PBX setting
- Hostname/IP: PBX hostname with SIP port
- Domain: PBX hostname
Click Save and Apply Changes button.
3. Check Port State
Once it shows the Status "OK", it means the port registers well.