How to check mobile linkus user who is in background from admin portal


In some particular moment, for troubleshooting purpose, pbx administrator has to understand which extension is available by registered status in admin portal. A known case is while mobile linkus user is in background mode, mobile icon will be unavailable status in 'Online Status' column from admin portal, therefore will no idea whether it is online or not.

This article provides workaround on how to check whether a mobile linkus user is in background mode, we take user 1010 for demonstration.

Applicable Device

Yeastar P-Series PBX


At last there is video for whole process if it's not clear on steps.

1. Access admin portal of Yeastar P-Series PBX, tap F12 key in keyboard and go to Network - Fetch/XHR.
2. Click on Extension menu in PBX admin portal.
3. In F12 interface, click on line 'searchsummary...', in right window go to Preview menu.
4. Click on triange in front of extension_list, continue to click on each triangle for requested extension,  scroll down and search for online_status, you will see all endpoints' status for this extension.

5. Here are instructions for each endpoint.

google_crx:       stand for linkus for google addon

linkus_desktop: stand for linkus desktop client

linkus_mobile:   stand for linkus mobile client

linkus_web:        stand for linkus web client

sip_phone:         stand for hardware and software phone except linkus app

6. If you are able to see linkus_mobile endpoint in F12 interface for some extension, it tells the user ever logged in linkus app and status 1 indicates linkus app is openning, status 0 indicates linkus app is in background, if you are not able to see linkus_mobile endpoint, it means either the user never logs in mobile linkus or ever loggout mobile linkus.

7. If some extension was ever registered on any endpoints except linkus_mobile, the registered endpoint will always stay there in F12 result and won't disappear, this is something different from linkus_mobile endpoint which will disapplear if user loggout mobile linkus or never logs in mobile linkus, but status after each endpoint indicates the same, 0 means unregistered, 1 means registered.


At last here is a video link below shows how to check a background linkus user for extension 1010.


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