Using LDAP on Htek Phones

In this example, we will demonstrate how to configure and use LDAP phonebook using an Htek UC862 (version

Configuring LDAP

  1. Log in the Htek phone web interface, go to “Directory > LDAP”.
  2. Fill in the LDAP server address, attributes and filter information.
  3. Click “SaveSet” to accept the change.

LDAP Configuration Example

The example configurations are set according to S-Series LDAP server default settings. You can use the following settings as a starting point and adjust the filter and display attributes according to your needs.

LDAP Name Filter: (|(cn=%)(sn=%))

LDAP Number Filter: (|(telephoneNumber=%)(homePhone=%)(mobile=%))

Server Address:  /* Enter S-Series PBX’s IP address.*/

Port: 389

Base: dc=pbx,dc=com

UserName: cn=admin,dc=pbx,dc=com

Password: password

Max.Hits(1~32000): 50

LDAP Name Attributes: cn sn displayName

LDAP Number Attributes: telephoneNumber homePhone mobile mail departmentNumber

LDAP Display Name: cn

Protocol: Version 3

LDAP Lookup For Call: On

LDAP Sorting Results: On

Configuring an LDAP Key

  1. Log in the Htek phone web interface, go to “Function Keys > Line Key”.
  2. Choose a key, select key type to “LDAP”.
  3. Click “SaveSet” to accept the change.

Using LDAP Phonebook

You can press the LDAP key to access the LDAP phonebook. Enter the search criteria to search a contact from LDAP phonebook and call the contact.

  1. Press the LDAP key to access the LDAP phonebook.
  2. Search the contact name or number using the keypad. The contacts whose name or phone number matches the characters entered will appear on the LCD screen.
  3. Press the navigation key to select the desired contact.

  4. Press “Dial” to call the contact.
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