How to Send SMS to Email


SMS to Email is a feature that allows users to receive SMS in their email inboxes. The SMS sent to the PBX GSM/3G ports will be received first by the system and then forwarded to the users' email inboxes.

This guide introduces how to configure SMS to Email on Yeastar S-Series VoIP PBX. 

Before You Start

Before you start to use SMS to Email, please check the following:

  • Install GSM/3G module on the device.
  • Insert SIM card on the GSM/3G module.
  • Check the trunk status and make sure that the GSM3G trunk is ready.
  • Set a system email on S-Series PBX (Settings > System > Email). The system email is used to forward the received SMS to email addresses.

Configuring SMS to Email

Please follow the steps below to set up SMS to email on S-Series PBX.

  1. Go to the “Setting > System > Email”, set a system email and click “Test”.

  2. If the system says “Test Successfully”, means the email address could send and receive emails on the PBX.

  3. Go to the “Setting > PBX > Call Feature > SMS” page, choose a GSM/3G trunk, and click  .    

  4. Click to  add email address for the trunk, the received SMS on this trunk will be forwarded to the email address.
  5. Click “Ensure”.
  6. Click “Save”.

As the figure above shows, when you send a SMS to the GSM1-3 trunk, Nancy will receive the text in her email inbox.

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