Download the putty:
1.Upload the prompts
Go to the path: PBX<Audio Settings<Custom Prompts<Upload a prompts
For example, i have upload a prompt named”test”
2.Enable the SSH service in Yeastar device (LAN setting> SSH enabled)
3.Enter Yeastar device’s server IP and SSH port(default is 8022)
4.Then configure the putty with enough lines:
4.Login the SSH with username/password: root/ys123456
5.Go to the directory /etc/asterisk/ to find the file extensions.conf
cd /etc/asterisk
vi extensions.conf
Try to find the *81 using /*81, you can see the the context [en-force-to-outside]
exten = *81,1,Answer
exten = *81,n,Set(DB(OfficeHours/ForceToOutside)=1)
exten = *81,n,GotoByTimeConditionBLFWork()
exten = *81,n,Wait(1)
exten = *81,n,Playback(beep)
exten = *81,n,Wait(1)
exten = *81,n,Hangup()
Copy them, and then press “esc”, then use command”:wq”and press” enter “to save the file
6.Go to the directory: /persistent/var/lib/asterisk/db/custom-cfg
Using the commands:
cd /persistent/var/lib/asterisk/db/custom-cfg
vi extensions_custom.conf
Suppose that you want to hear an announcement which i have upload to Mypbx named”test”when you enter the *81, it needs to executive the command as the followings:
exten = *81,1,Answer
exten = *81,n,Set(DB(OfficeHours/ForceToOutside)=1)
exten = *81,n,GotoByTimeConditionBLFWork()
exten = *81,n,Wait(1)
exten = *81,n,Playback(record/test)
exten = *81,n,Wait(1)
exten = *81,n,Hangup()
7.Then press “esc”, then use command”:wq”and press” enter “to save the file
8.executive the command:
mypbxconf can enter the comamnd:
asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvr
10.And executive the command to restart the pbx to make the file take effect: module reload
11.After you have configured, when the extension presses the button *81, it will play the hear an announcement”test”.