How to customize a voice prompt file for MyPBX/NeoGate

0. Introduction

Refer to this application, users can customize a WAV file through Windows accessories recorder, or through other software to finish the format conversion, like WavePad.

Voice prompt file format:

 1. Customize a voice prompt file in PCM format

Step 1. Open the Recorder software:

Start menu---Program---Attachment---Entertainment---Recorder

Step 2. Open a recorded file or record a new prompt message file.


                                                              Figure 1-1

Step 3. Click ‘file->Save As’ on the panel.


Figure 1-2 

Step 4. Change the format, click the ‘Change’ button.


             Figure 1-3

Step 5. Choose an option on ‘Sound Selection’.

Format: PCM

Attributes: 8.000 kHz,16Bit, Mono 15Kb/sec


Figure 1-4

Step 6. Click ‘OK’ to save the settings and the voice file.


2. Customize a voice prompt file in A-Law(G.711) format


Step 1. Open the Recorder software :

Start menu--Program--Attachment-- Entertainment--Recorder

Step 2. Open a recorded file or record a new prompt message file.


Figure 2-1

Step 3. Click ‘file->Save As’ on the panel.


Figure 2-2 

Step 4. Change the format, click the ‘Change’ button.


             Figure 2-3 

Step 5. Choose an option on ‘Sound Selection’.

Format: CCITT A-Law

Attributes: 8.000 kHz,8Bit, Mono  7Kb/sec


Figure 2-4

Step 6. Click ‘OK’ to save the settings and the voice file.


3. Customize a voice prompt file in U-Law(G.711) format


Step 1. Open the Recorder software :

Start menu--Program--Attachment-- Entertainment--Recorder

Step 2. Open a recorded file or record a new prompt message file.


Figure 3-1

Step 3. Click ‘file->Save As’ on the panel.


Figure 3-2

Step 4. Change the format, click the ‘Change’ button .


             Figure 3-3

Step 5. Choose an option on ‘Sound Selection’.

Format: CCITT u-Law

Attributes: 8.000 kHz,8Bit, Mono 7Kb/sec


             Figure 3-4

Step 6. Click ‘OK’ to save the settings and the voice file.


4. Customize a voice prompt file in GSM6.10 format


Step 1. Open the Recorder software :

Start menu--Program--Attachment-- Entertainment--Recorder

Step 2. Open a recorded file or record a new prompt message file.


Figure 4-1 

Step 3. Click ‘file->Save As’ on the panel.


Figure 4-2

Step 4. Change the format, click the ‘Change’ button.


                                                        Figure 4-3

Step 5. Choose an option on ‘Sound Selection’.

Format: GSM 6.10

Attributes: 8.000 kHz, Mono  1Kb/sec


Figure 4-4

Step 6. Click ‘OK’ to save the settings and the voice file.


5. Customize a voice prompt file in GSM format


Step 1. Download and install WavePad audio editing software and install it on your PC.

You can download the software here:

Step 2. Run WavePad and click ‘Open File’ on the panel.

                                                                   Figure 4-1

Step 3. Choose the audio file which you want to convert to GSM format and click ‘open’


                                                                       Figure 4-2

Step 4. Click ‘file->save file as’ on wavepad panel.


                                                                     Figure 4-3

Step 5. Save as ‘GSM(*gsm)’ format and save.

                                                                      Figure 4-4


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