How to change the maximum number of the custom prompts

The maximum number of the custom prompts is also 32 for the SOHO/STD/U100/U200/U300.
But in the U5xx series, we can support the 64 custom prompts.

When we may meet the problem that the customers need the custom prompts more than the website limit, then we may need do this to change the limit of custom prompts. In this example, we will show you how to change the limit from 32 to 64 on the U100.

一. Change the maximum number of the custom prompts temporarily

Download the putty:

1.Enable the SSH service in Yeastar device (LAN setting> SSH enabled

2.Enter Yeastar device’s server IP and SSH port(default is 8022)

3.Then configure the putty with enough lines:

4.Login the SSH with username/password: root/ys123456

5.Then input the commands:
vi /www/webfile/js/mypbx.js

6.Executive the command
/MyPbxLimitObj to find the content as below, you can see “nMaxIvrPromptNum: 32,^M” then input “i”, login edit mode, change the 32 to 64,,as below

7.Then press ”esc”, then use command “:wq” and press enter to save the file.

8.Go to the MyPBX web page and then refreshing page and remember to try to clear the browser cache
9.And you can add 64 custom prompts

in this way, When you reboot the device, it will be invalid.
But before reboot, you have added the 64 custom prompts. and even if you reboot the device, the 64 prompts can be used well.

二. change the maximum number of the custom prompts permanently

If you want the settings of 64 which can be used permanently, it needs to write a script.

1.Try to access U100 using terminal software like putty.exe, you can try this link to download directly:
Open it, input U100’s IP in this example, port is 8022 

2. Copy the file to directory /persistent,                                                       use command" cp www/webfile/js/mypbx.js /persistent/mypbx.js "

3.Find the configuration file and modify it. Use command “vi /www/webfile/js/mypbx.js”, then use command “/ MyPbxLimitObj ” to find the content as below,  then input “i”, login edit mode, change the nMaxIvrPromptNum 32 to 64

Then press ”esc”, then use command “:wq” and press enter to save the file.

4.Go to directory /persistent, by command “cd /persistent”, then create a new file “”, by command “vi”, then edit the file by input “i”, copy this two lines into the file:

cp persistent/mypbx.js /www/webfile/js/mypbx.js

Then press ”esc”, then use command “:wq” and press enter to save the file.

5.Reboot the device and then refresh the web page. also you can try to clear the browser cache.


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