How to configure IVR to remote extension between two MyPBX

Suppose the two U100 A and B, and someone dials to the IVR in A and enter the extension(601) of B.


1.How to connect two U100 device via service provider
Step 1:
Set up a Service Provider SIP Trunking in U100 A to connect with U100 B.
PBX- >Extensions and Trunks->Trunks-> Service Provider -> Add Service Provider


Step 2:
Make sure the trunk status is ok on Line status page.
A trunk’s status:

Step 3:
Also in B, create the service provider to connect to the u100 A

Step 4:
Check the status is ok on Line status page in B.

2.Set up the IVR(760)in A and enable the direct dial.


3.Set up the incoming rule in A and choose the destination to IVR(760)


4.set up a outgoing rule in the A
Suppose the name of this outgoing rule is fortest
Noticed:in the outgoing call, you need to choose the trunk which you have created in the service provider named “”.


5. after you have configured the setting in these two devices web page, it also needs to modify the configuration file via ssh.
Step 1:
Download the putty:
Enable the SSH service in Yeastar device (System>LAN setting> SSH enabled)

Step 2:
Enter Yeastar device’s server IP and SSH port(default is 8022)
Login to the A

Login the SSH with username/password: root/ys123456

Step 3:

You need to go to the directory: /ect/asterisk to check the ivr 760
Executiv the command:
cd /etc/asterisk
vi extensions.conf


I take an example and in this example the name of ivr is 760
Therefore i can use “/760 “and “enter” to search the related lines.


You need to copy the lines which is under the context[voicemenu-custom-760]

exten = 760,1,Set(YSGROUPEXTEN=760)
exten = 760,n,Set(CDR(orgdst)=760)
exten = 760,n,Background(record/)
exten = 760,n,WaitExten(3)
exten = 760,n,Background(record/)
exten = 760,n,WaitExten(3)
exten = 760,n,Background(record/)
exten = 760,n,WaitExten(3)
exten = t,1,NoOp(do..)
exten = i,1,NoOp(do..)
include = from-outside
include = conferences
include = vmm

And then,press”esc” “:” and “q” to quit
Step 4:
Enter the command: cd /persistent/var/lib/asterisk/db/custom-cfg
vi extensions_custom.conf
Copy the lines in the step 3 into it and add the line:include = CallingRule_fortest

Noticed:”fortest”is the outbound rule which is set up in the A in the 4

exten = 760,1,Set(YSGROUPEXTEN=760)
exten = 760,n,Set(CDR(orgdst)=760)
exten = 760,n,Background(record/)
exten = 760,n,WaitExten(3)
exten = 760,n,Background(record/)
exten = 760,n,WaitExten(3)
exten = 760,n,Background(record/)
exten = 760,n,WaitExten(3)
exten = t,1,NoOp(do..)
exten = i,1,NoOp(do..)
include = from-outside
include = conferences
include = vmm
include = CallingRule_fortest

Then press “esc”, then use command”:wq”and press” enter”to save the file

Step 5:
executive the command: mypbxconf
And then, enter the comamnd: asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvr

step 6:
And executive the command to restart the pbx to make the file take effect: module reload
In the end, you can go to the directory: vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
And then, press “/760”
If there are added the line include = CallingRule_fortest, it means that you have modified the configuration file successfully.






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