Solution for Private SIP Network


When a private SIP trunk bought from Provider with a special router, which is not reachable for internet. We need to connect it to LAN port. As for other usage like ‘voicemail to email, SMS to Email’, we need to configure it to WAN port, which is reachable for internet.

Here is an example for you:

SIP trunk (peer to peer type):

  • Host:

Private IP address from SIP provider:

  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask:
  • Gateway:
  • Not reachable for internet.

Network settings for Internet:

  • IP address:
  • Subnet mask
  • Gateway:
  • DNS1:
  • DNS2:

Email account for SMTP settings:

  • Email address:
  • Password: **********
  • SMTP server:
  • Port: 587/465
  • SSL/TLS: enable


  • Model: MyPBX standard V4
  • Firmware:

Note: Please make sure LAN port has been connected to the private router offered by ISP, and make sure WAN port has been connected to local route, which is reachable for internet.


Steps to configure MyPBX standard:

Step 1. Configure LAN port

Click ‘LAN settings’ page, input the details like this:

Save and apply the changes.

Step 2. Configure WAN port.

Click ‘WAN settings’ to configure WAN port

Save and apply the changes, reboot MyPBX to take effect.

Step 3. Create SIP trunk when MyPBX boots up again.

Step 4. Create static route for ISP

In this example, we need to route the packages through ISP ( to LAN port, whose gateway is

You can register extensions, outbound route, inbound route to test if the calls are working fine

Note: If the ISP’s IP address is dynamic or the IP address of RTP proxy is different from the register IP, please contact ISP to confirm the exact IP range, then configure the static route here.

Step 5. Configure SMTP settings in ‘voicemail settings’ page
Input the correct email detais here

Note: If you are not sure about your email details like SMTP server, port and SSL/TLS, please do a test in your local PC using outlook to confirm before configuring it to MyPBX.

Click ‘Test SMTP Settings’ button to test.

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    When you use your remote extension to make outgoing calls via the SIP private trunk.

    You probably encounter the one-way audion issue. Then you can refer to this solution: 

  • 0

    How can I configured the same scenario on the S100?? There is no possibility to have different GW on the second LAN port in Dual mode.

    Edited by Domagoj Ručević - Ručka
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    I think you can ignore the GW settings on the LAN/WAN page. Just specify the gateway on static route settings page. I tried and it works without setting the gateway on WAN page.

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    I just got my S20 IP PBX and I actually have this problem and make me confuse.

    So I have an Internet Account coming with a SIP Trunk. Both of this, coming from 1 single router Huawei HG8245H (Ont modem). The internet come with dynamic IP. Now the S20 PBX can access the SIP trunk from the telecom provider, but cannot access the internet.

    I have the following WAN info on my router.

    1_VOIP_INTERNET_R_VID_100 Connected 10.XXX.XXX.37 100/0 AlwaysOn
    2_INTERNET_R_VID_200 Connected 125.XXX.XXX.113 200/0 AlwaysOn

    Please note thet the Internet IP is always changing since its not a static IP. But the VOIP WAN is always the same IP.

    My router IP is

    Can you please advice me how to activate the WAN port, what configuration and static routes should I configure? I will appreciate your help a lot.


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    I know this is a very old thread, but so is my pbx :d.

    So I have a MyPBX Standard v7 (I know it's old) that I managed to setup, except for one thing - internet connection. 

    My setup - In the wan port I connected the cable from my sip provider (only sip and no internet on this connection). This one comes from a special router from the sip provider.

    Lan port is connected to my network with static IP and so are the IP phones from my network.

    My question is: can this pbx acces the internet through the lan port or only the wan port? Is there any static route setup for this case so I can acces the internet?

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