How to Use Asterisk Cilck2Dial in Firefox Browser


Asterisk Click2Dial is a multi-OS Firefox Extension. Asterisk Click2Dial is very easy to use, when you have a phone number on a web page or in an email, select it and do right-click, it will ring your handset when you pick up, call the number requested. Also, you can dial directly with Asterisk Click2Dial included in Firefox status bar.

You can register MyPBX’s extension then use Asterisk Click2Dial in Firefox Browser to achieve click to call.

This document is based on the test with

  • Firefox Browser version 38.0.1 
  • MyPBX Standard version

1. AMI Configuration on MyPBX

We will connect MyPBX and Asterisk Click2Dial Add-on via AMI, please make sure AMI settings are configured correctly on MyPBX before starting with Asterisk Click2Dial.
Login in MyPBX Web User Interface, and go to System→Security Settings→AMI Settings to configure AMI.

                                                              Figure 1

Enable AMI: Checked    //Enable API, the default API port is 5038

User Name: admin     //Enter the user name according to your preference

Password: password   //Enter the password according to your preference

Permitted 'IP address/Subnet mask':  // Only the input IP address range can connect MyPBX via AMI


2. Configuring Asterisk Click2Dial 

1. Search “Asterisk Click2Dial” in Firefox Add-ons interface, then install. When done, check the installed add-ons on Extensions page as the following picture shows.

                                                                Figure 2

2. Select Asterisk Click2Dial Extension 2.0 and click Options to configure the add-on.

                                                                  Figure 3

3. Configure Asterisk Click2Dial, click OK to save the changes.

1) Connection Settings

                                                           Figure 4

2) Call Settings

Configure the Call settings for Asterisk Call2Dial if you want to dial an external number.

Figure 5

3)Display Settings

Configure advanced settings on Display section.

                 Figure 6

4. Login MyPBX via SSH port to check if Asterisk Click2Dial is connected successfully.

                                                           Figure 7


3. Click to Call

1. When you highlight a number, then right-click, there should be a menu for you to call.

                                                                  Figure 8

2. After clicking, your handset will ring, and a pop-up window will appear in the bottom right corner of your PC.


         Figure 9


3. Pick up your phone, the call will be established.

 Figure 10


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