How to Connect Cisco Unified Call Manager to Yeastar TA FXS Gateway

1. Introduction

This application note shows how to connect Cisco Unified CallManager to Yeastar TA FXS gateway. This guide has been tested with Yeastar TA3200 and CUCM version: 8.6.2
Two modes are available for Yeastar TA to connect to CUCM, we call them VoIP trunk mode and Service Provider SIP mode (SPS).
*You can simply choose one mode to achieve the connection.


After connecting Yeastar TA3200 and CUCM, FXS extensions will be extended on CUCM. Once the FXS ports are connected to CUCM, the phones connected to the FXS ports will be treated as CUCM extensions(Directory number).

The following features can be achieved:

  • Make calls between the analog phone and CUCM SIP extension;
  • Receive incoming calls on the analog phones;
  • Make external calls from the analog phones using trunks on CUCM.


  • IP address of CUCM:
  • IP address of Yeastar TA3200:

                                                                                       Figure 1

2. Preparation

2.1 Preparation on TA3200

Yeastar TA3200 attempts to contact a DHCP server in your network to obtain valid network settings (e.g., the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway address and DNS address) by default.

Before connecting Yeastar TA3200 to CUCM, you need to set a static IP address from the same LAN with the CUCM.

Steps to set static IP for Yeastar TA3200:

1. Connect one analog phone in one of the FXS ports on Yeastar TA3200;

2. Dial "***" to enter the voice menu;

3. Press "1" to check the IP address;

4. Open the browser and type in the TA3200's IP address to access TA3200;

5. Log in TA3200 and go to System→Network Preferences→LAN Settings, disable DHCP and configure the LAN network, save and apply the changes, reboot Yeastar TA3200 to take effect.

                                                                                       Figure 2

2.2 Preparation on CUCM

Please make sure Cisco CallManager Service is activated on CUCM.

Steps to activate Cisco Call Manager:

1. Log in to the CM Administration Web interface.

2. In the field “Navigation” on the top right corner, select Cisco Unified Serviceability and click Go.

3. Under Tools click Service Activation.

4. Check if the Service “Cisco CallManager” is activated.

                                                                                         Figure 3 

3. VoIP Mode

If you choose VoIP mode, the FXS ports will be registered as the CUCM's SIP extensions, whose functions are the same with other SIP extensions on CUCM.

3.1. Create an extension(Directory number) on CUCM.

Step 1: Create one extension number (called "Directory Number" on CUCM)

1) Go to Call Routing--Directory Number
2) Click Add New.
In the field "Directory Number" type in your extension number, leave everything else as it is.

                                                                                       Figure 4

3) Click Save.

Step 2: Add an “End User”.

1) Go to User Management--End User
2) Click Add New.

                                                                                     Figure 5

3) Click Save.

Step 3: Add the "End User" to the permission group.

1) Go down on the just saved End User page to "Permissions Information".
2) Click Add to The User Group. A pop-up window opens.
3) Click Find and choose "Standard CCM End Users" and click Add Selected.

                                                                                        Figure 6

4) Click Save.

Step 4: Set TA3200 as a "Third Party SIP Device (Basic)" on CUCM.

1) Go to Device--Phone
2) Click Add new
3) Choose within the Phone Type list "Third Party SIP Device (Basic)"

                                                                                       Figure 7

4) Click Next
5) Check the MAC-address of TA3200. (It is written at a sticker on your
device; for example: MAC: F4B549F0019C)
6) Type in only the numbers and letters in the field MAC Address (e.g. F4B549F0019C)
7) In Phone Button Template field select "Third-party SIP Device (Basic)".
8) In Owner User ID field select "111111",which is the directory number we created above.
9) In Device Security profile field select "Third-party SIP Device Basic-Standard Non-Secure Profile"
10) In SIP Profile field select the "Standard SIP Profile".
11) In Digest User field select "111111",which is the directory number we created above.


1) Each device that is configured in Cisco Unified CM requires a unique digest user ID. When the device sends the REGISTER paket, Cisco Unified CM will immediately respond with a 401 challenge to get the Authentication header.

2) The system uses the user ID from the authentication header to find the configuration entry in the database. If the third-party phone is not configured with the correct user ID, or the user ID is not associated with the device in the Cisco Unified CM database, Cisco Unified CM will respond with a 404 Not Found.

                                                                                    Figure 8

12) Click Save.
13) Click Apply Config.

Step 5: Associating your device with your extension and user.

1) In the left corner of the just saved page appears a canvas "Associate Information".
2) Click the link inside "Line [1] - Add a new DN".

                                                                              Figure 9

3) In the field Directory Number type in your extension number (e.g.111111).

                                                                                  Figure 10

4) The server recognizes the existing number and the data of your extension are going to appear.

5) At the end of the page click the button Associate End Users. A pop-up window appears.

                                                                                     Figure 11

6) Click Find.

                                                                                    Figure 12

7) Check your created user (e.g. 111111).
8) Click Add Selected.
9) Click Close.
10) At the End of the page you can check if your user is associated correctly.
11) Click Save.

3.2. Register the extension(Directory number) on TA3200.

Step 1. Configure one VoIP server template on Yeastar TA3200.

Path: Gateway→VoIP Settings→VoIP Server Settings

                                                                                    Figure 13

  • Server Name: CUCM
  • Type: SIP 
  • Enable Register: Checked
  • Transport: UDP 
  • Hostname/IP: fill in the CUCM IP address,
  • Domain: fill in the CUCM IP address,

Step 2. Edit the Dial Pattern Template

Path: Gateway→VoIP Settings→VoIP Server Settings

The default dial pattern is set as ".", which allows you to dial any number out. In this guide, we will remain the default setting. You can change it according to your environment.

                                                                                 Figure 14

Step 3. Edit the FXS port

Path: Gateway→FXS Port List→FXS Port List

                                                                                 Figure 15

  • Primary Server: choose “CUCM(1)”
  • User Name: the extension username on CUCM, 111111.
  • Authentication Name: the extension authentication name on CUCM, 111111.
  • Password: the authentication password of the extension 111111 on CUCM.
  • Dial Pattern Template: choose the Dial Pattern Template: DialPatternTemplate1(1).

Save and apply the changes, and you will see the port status is “Registered” on "Port Status" page.

Path: ‍Status→System Status→Port Status

                                                                                   Figure 16

Now, you are able to use the analog phone which is connected to Yeastar TA's FXS port 6 to make calls and receive calls.

Note: ALL outgoing calls to CUCM extensions and to external numbers through trunks on CUCM should match the route pattern, or calls will fail.


4. SPS/SPX Mode

If you choose this mode to connect Yeastar TA3200 and CUCM, the FXS port will be registered as a Service Provider SIP trunk (SPS) to the CUCM. One SPS trunk to Yeastar TA also should be created on CUCM.


4.1 TA3200 Configuration

Step 1. Edit one VoIP Server template as SPS mode.

Path: Gateway→VoIP Settings→VoIP Server Settings

Do not check "Enable Register", choose SIP protocol, and fill in the CUCM IP address, the VoIP server template will be configured as SPS mode.

                                                                                   Figure 17

  • Server Name: CUCM
  • Type: SIP
  • Enable Register: DO NOT check
  • Transport: UDP
  • Hostname/IP: fill in CUCM IP address,
  • Domain: fill in CUCM IP address,

Step 2. Edit the Dial Pattern Template

Path: Gateway→VoIP Settings→VoIP Server Settings

The default dial pattern is set as ".", which allows you to dial any number out. In this guide, we will remain the default setting. You can change it according to your environment.

                                                                                   Figure 18

Step 3. Edit the FXS port

Path: Gateway→FXS Port List→FXS Port List

                                                                                 Figure 19

  • Number: set a number for the FXS port. The number should be different from the extension numbers on CUCM. Here we set number 100 for FXS port 2.
  • Primary Server: choose CUCM(4), the VoIP server template configured on step 2.
  • Dial Pattern Template: choose the Dial Pattern Template, DialPatternTemplate1(1).

Note: You don't need to fill in any authentication name and authentication password on the FXS port edit page if you choose SPS/SPX mode.

After saving and applying the changes, you will see the trunk is ‍“OK” in ‍“Line Status”.

Path: ‍Status--System Status--Port Status

                                                                             Figure 20


4.2 CUCM Configuration

Step 1: Configure the SIP Trunk Security Profile

1) Go to System--Security--SIP Trunk Security Profile
2) Click Add New.
3) Configure the fields as follows:

Please change the “Outgoing Transport Type” to UDP, otherwise the outgoing calls would fail.

                                                                                      Figure 21

4) Click Save.

Configuration on Version 9.X

In version 9.x, the Non Secure SIP Trunk Profile already exists, but it must be modified.

1) On Unified CM, go to System--Security--SIP Trunk Security Profile.
2) Select Non Secure SIP Trunk Profile.
3) Modify the fields as follows:

                                                                                         Figure 22
4) Click Save.

Step 2: Configure the SIP Profile

1) On Unified CM, go to Device--Device Settings--SIP Profile.
2) Click Copy against the Standard SIP Profile.
3) Check “Allow Presentation Sharing using BFCP” if BFCP (Dual video / presentation sharing) is required. Check “Use Fully Qualified Domain in SIP Requests” if needed,
leave everything else as it is:

                                                                                    Figure 23

Step 3: Configure the SIP Trunk device

1) On Unified CM, go to Device--Trunk.
2) Click Add New.
3) Select a Trunk Type of SIP Trunk.

                                                                                 Figure 24

4) Click Next.
5) Configure the Device Information fields as follows:

Mark the field modified compared with default settings.



                                                                                   Figure 25

6) Click Save.
7) Click Reset.

Step 4: Configure Route Pattern for the SIP Trunk.

1) On Unified CM, go to Call Routing--Route/Hunt--Route Pattern.
2) Click Add New.
3) Configure Route Pattern as follows:

Set Route Pattern to 1XX, which means all 3-digit calls starting with 1 will be sent to FXS gateway via this SIP Trunk.
Besides, you can set up multiple Route Patterns for a SIP trunk.


                                                                                 Figure 26
4) Click Save.

Step 5: Check the status of this trunk.

On Unified CM, go to Device--Trunk, click Find.

                                                                                Figure 27

In this guide, you should dial 100 on CUCM to call the phone which is connected to TA3200 FXS port 2.

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  • 0
    hello I would also like to configure a sip trunk between the cucm12.5 and my yeastar s300. can you help me please
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