How to Dial External Numbers through IVR


This article introduces how to dial external numbers through IVR. This solution is typically for head office and branch office. When people call in the head office, he/she can dial the extension number of branch office. 

IP address(LAN) of MyPBX_head:
IP address(LAN) of MyPBX_branch1:
IP address(LAN) of MyPBX_branch2:
Exten 301 is registered on the MyPBX_branch1
Exten 401 is registered on the MyPBX_branch2



  1. The first thing you need to do is connecting the head office and two branch offices through service provider trunks on the 3 MyPBXs.
  2. Create 2 outbound routes to the two branch offices (path: PBX > Outbound Call Control > Outbound Routes) in MyPBX_head as the following two figures.



Configuration in SSH

Step 1. Download a putty in your PC
We can access MyPBX SSH using putty or other terminal tools.
Putty download link:
Step 2. Open putty by SSH
1)Before we open the putty by ssh,we need to check the settings in MyPBX first.
Path:System---Network Settings---LAN Settings.         


2)Settings in putty.


3)Settings in putty.

Change the value of Lines of scrollback to 2000000,and then click ‘Open’.


4)Login by ssh.

Step 3. Edit by SSH
1) type ‘vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf ‘ in the putty and press keyboard ‘Enter’ .

2)Find the IVR in MyPBX_head that you need to dial  the extens in MyPBX_branch directly.
Path:PBX---Inbound Call Control---IVR
The name of IVR is ‘ welcome ‘ here.


3)Go back to the putty again to find the IVR.
Type ‘/ ’ and ‘ welcome ‘ to find the IVR called welcome.

After you type ‘/welcome’,you can see the context called voicemenu-custom-welcome.Copy the whole context(select all the context by mouse).And then type

' :q! ' to quit the file.

4)Create a custom file in ssh
Type ‘ vi /persistent/custom-cfg/extensions_custom.conf

Copy whole context called voicemenu-custom-welcome here( type ' i ' to enter into the pattern of inserting,and then right click by the mouse)

You can see the following pictures after you copy the whole context.

5)Find the name of the outbound route
Path:PBX---Outbound Call Control---Outbound Routes



6)Go back to the putty and add two lines of script.
Insert the following two lins of script,To_branch1 and To_branch2 are the name of outbound routes,they may be not the same route name in your site.
include = CallingRule_To_branch1
include = CallingRule_To_branch2

After you insert the script,press keyboard ‘Esc’ ,and type ‘:wq’ in the putty to save the file.


7)Make the file effect
Type the following two command to make the file reload.
asterisk -rx 'module reload'

8)Try to have a test now.When call come to the the IVR of MyPBX_head,try to dial extensions in the MyPBX_branch1 or MyPBX_branch2 directly.


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