Step 1. Login via SSH.
Please download putty.exe from the internet. And login MyPBX via SSH. Before you login, please make sure the SSH has been enabled.
For MyPBX: login MyPBX Web User Interface and go to System→Network Preferences→ LAN Settings, enable SSH.The default username is root, the password is ys123456.
Figure 1 Enable SSH
For S-series PBX: login web interface and go to Settings →System →Security →Service, enable SSH. You can see the random password when you enable SSH.
For P-series PBX: login web interface and go to Security→Security Setings→Console/SSH Access, enable SSH. You can see the random password when you enable SSH.
Then you can use putty to login
Figure 2 Login via SSH
Figure 3 Login As
Step 2. Change settings for putty.
Figure 4 Change Settings for putty
Figure 5 Change Lines of scrollback to 20000
Step 3. Execute dmesg to get the hardware log.
Figure 6 dmesg log
Step 4. Copy All to Clipboard and paste the logs to a notepad, save it as a txt file and share it with the support team.
Figure 7 Copy the Logs