Configuration in Bria:
Server settings
Server: /the IP of MyPBX/
Authentication method: Anonymous
User Name (dn): cn=admin,dc=originsystems,dc=co,dc=za
Credential: ****** /the password you have set on MyPBX/
Root DN: dc=originsystems,dc=co,dc=za
Search expression:
Search options
Type to filter list
Search timeouts: 2000
Max results: 500
Update interval: 120
Attribute Mapping
Display name: cn
First name: givenName
Last name: sn
Job title: title
Department: department
Location: I
Work number: workNumber
Mobile number: mobile
Softphone: sipUri
Home number: telephoneNumber
E-mail: mail
Instant message: jid
Figure 1 Configuration in Bria