How to Use LDAP (Model 1)--Using LDAP in Yealink Phone

Here we take Yealink T-28 IP phone as an example.
Firmware version:
MyPBX: x.19.0.23
Yealink: 2.70.0.x
Please note that LDAP Phonebook support on T28\T26\T22\T12,the version must be V51 (x.51.x.x) and higher,then access to the web UI→ Contacts→ LDAP page, you can find the configured option is like following picture.

Note : For higher firmware version, like, you need to enable LDAP first.

                     Figure 1 Enable LDAP in Yealink Phone of Later Versions.

And you could check the common attributes below.


Then fill the Corresponding Parameters in the Field.

The example configurations are set according to MyPBX LDAP default settings. You can use the below settings as a starting point and adjust the filter and display attributes according to your needs.

Note: “LDAP Lookup for Pre Dial/Dial” is removed in version

After above configuration click the “confirm” button, and the LDAP will take effect.
Then configure the DSS Key for linking to the LDAP setting.

If you enable the “LDAP Lookup for Pre Dial/Dial”, you can use LDAP feature either in Pre Dial/Dial page. And enter in the LDAP from Directory or by pressing DSS Key on the phone like the figure as below:

                          Figure 2 LDAP in the Direcotry of Yealink Phone

                                Figure 3 Enable LDAP via DSS Key

                                    Figure 4 Search Result of LDAP

Note:There may be some difference among the different IP phones or softphones. 

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  • 0

    Good article, but example configuration is an image. Please, make it text to allow copying and pasting it!

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