Email SMS Debug for MyPBX

Step1. Enable “SMS to Email” and “Email to SMS”, make sure SMTP and POP3 are tested successfully.
Path: PBX→Advanced Settings→SMS Settings
Click “Test SMTP Settings” and “Test POP3 Settings”, make sure that they are tested successfully.

Step 2. Login via SSH.
Please download putty.exe from the internet. And login MyPBX via SSH. Before you login, please make sure the SSH has been enabled on LAN settings page.
1. Login MyPBX Web User Interface and go to System→Network Preferences→ LAN Settings, enable SSH.

2. Login MyPBX via SSH, the default username is root, password is ys123456.

Step 3. Enable debug.
Execute the command vi /etc/smscore/debug.conf to edit the debug.conf configuration file.

Change the setting as below, then save the settings.

Step 4. Restart smscore.
For Mypbx firmware version X.19.0.X or later, input these commands to start smscore process.
touch /persistent/tmp/smscore.flag
killall -9 smscore
smscore &

Note: for MyPBX firmware version before X.19.0.X, input he following commands to start smscore process and analyze the error logs on the putty screen.
killall -9 smscore

Step 5. Analyze the log.
For MyPBX firmware version X.19.0.X or later, You will find an smscore.debug file in the folder /persistent/tmp/ after restarting smscore. Try to fix your SMS problem according to the error logs. If you cannot understand the log, please copy the logs to Yeastar Support for further analysis.

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