Note: Before you proceed, please make sure the FTP on network settings page of MyPBX web interface has been enabled.
Step 1 Get ready for the sound file you want to replace. The sound file format is gsm.
Take pls-hold-while-try.gsm for example, you can use the MyPBX-web interface ->Audio Settings->Custom Prompts to record the file, download, rename it as pls-hold-while-try.gsm
Step 2 Login via FTP.
Type ftp://MyPBX’s IP address, take for example.
Put in User name and password (Username: root password: ys123456)
The following picture should be seen after you click Log On.
Step 3 Go to the directory where MyPBX’s sound files stored.
It is /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
We take the prompt of follow me for example: And the prompt of follow me is under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/followme/
Replace the pls-hold-while-try.gsm fill