Synchronization issues of Integration with AD

P series supports the integration with Active Directory, after the integration the first step is to sync the groups and users from the AD to the PBX, this article will introduce some common issues during the synchronization.


1. If you select all groups and all users to sync, there will be a limitaion that causes the synchronization failed.


The maximum number of users can be synced is the same as the extensions number that can be created on the PBX, that means if your PBX only supports 100 extensions like P550, and the AD has 150 users in total, then only the first 100 users can be synced, the users that created after 100 will not be able to be synced.

The same thing for the groups, the maxium number of groups depends on how many extension groups that your PBX supports. For P series hardware edition, the maximum extension groups are all the same that is 63.


2. You may encounter that a group of AD has been synced successfully, but not all the members of this group have been synced.



This is related to the first question above, that because the users number has been over than the PBX capacity, for example the PBX support 100 extensions, and if the users in this group had been created after 100, then it can not been synced. 



There is an error druing the synchronizaiton, such as the user has a mobile number that contains "space" which is not accepted by the PBX will cause an error. We have submitted a requirement to the Product Team for this.

And you can find all the users that failed to be synced from the web like below image.



3.How should I do if I have lots of groups and users, but I only want to sync some of them?



Create a new OU that includes all the groups and users need to be synced, and integrate with the new basedn.



We can use the Filter to sync specific groups and all the members of the groups.


For the groups, we can use the below filter to sync the specific group,

(&(objectCategory=group)(cn=The CN name of the group))



For the users that belong to this group, we can use the below filter,

(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(memberOf=The distinguishedName of the group))




Where to find the distinguishedName of the group? you can open the LDAP admin, and navigate to the group, then you will find it, like below(sorry for the Chinese)





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