How to Capture PRI logs in S-series VoIP PBX

This guide introduces how to capture PRI logs with Putty for Yeastar S-series VOIP PBX. Please follow the steps below to capture PRI logs.

Step 1. Login via SSH.

1> Login S Series PBX Web Administrator Interface and go to Settings->System→Security→ Service, enable SSH.


2> Login S Series PBX via SSH, the default username is support, password is iyeastar.


Step 2. Change Putty Settings.

1> Right click Putty window, click "Change Settings".

2> Change the "Lines of scrollbar" to a larger value.


Step 3. Maximum the window of Putty so that you can get complete log, and enter Asterisk CLI.

Execute command asterisk –vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr to enter asterisk CLI.



Step 4. Enable System debug.

Following 'Maintenance-->System Log' page then enable the option 'Debug' here. It means all the default debug options are enabled such as 'Enable SIP Debug', 'Enable SMS debug' and so on. And you can enable specified one of them.


Step 5. Set debug level.

Here we set the debug level as 3 and client can set it according to our support suggestion.



Step 6. Checking PRI span number and status.

After entering asterisk CLI, execute command pri show spans to check the span number of the PRI line.

As the below graph shown, there are 3 spans on this S series device and they are Active all.


Step 6. Enable PRI debug.

Execute command pri set debug 2 span X to enable the debug of the PRI line.

Note: X is a span number.

And as we checked before, there are 3 PRI lines inculding span 2, span 9 and span 10. We take span number 2 here. Here is take span 2 for an example, such as pri set debug 2 span 2.


Step 7. Replicate the issue such as making an issue incoming call or an outgoing call.


Step 8. Stop capturing PRI logs when the issue replicates.

When the issue replicates, execute command pri set debug off span X to stop capturing the PRI logs.

Note: X is span number.

And as we checked before, there are 3 PRI lines inculding span 2, span 9 and span 10. We take span number 2 here. Here is take span 2 for an example, such as pri set debug off span 2.

> If you have any issue of the incoming calls or outbound calls, please try to make a call again, and you will see the PRI logs are printed in putty window. 


Step 8. Copy All to Clipboard and paste the logs to a document.

Copy all the logs and paste the logs to a .txt file, send the txt file to Yeastar support. 




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