Voicemail Navigation Guide

This guide is both suitable for U series(SOHO/Standard/U100/U200/U300/U500/U510/U520) and S series.

Once you access your voicemail you're going to be prompted with the number of new and/or old messages you have in the mailbox.
Here's the list of options you have with the voicemail system of Yeastar PBX. 

  • 1 - Play the first new/old message available in your mailbox. And after you hear the message, you will be prompte with the following options.

3 - Advanced Options

1 - Send Reply
2 - Hear the Message Envelop

5 - Repeat the Current Message
7 - Delete this Message
8 - Forward the Message for Another User
9 - Save this Message
* - Help
# Exit (Exit the voicemail menu and hang up)

  • 2 - Change folders. This option allows you to change to another folder in order to hear the messages you have stored in that folder. At the moment it's not possible to change the name of the folders.

0 - New Messages
1 - Old Messages
2 - Work
3 - Family
4 - Friends
# - Cancel

  • 0 - Voicemail options. In here you can change your greetings and record your name, also you can change the password for your voicemail.

1 - Unavailable message
2 - Busy message
3 - Name.
4 - Temporary Greeting
5 - Change Password
* - Return to the Main Menu

  • 3 - Advanced Options (Not Available on S-Series)

5 - Leave a message

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