How To Monitor PSTN Trunk Status of Yeastar TA Gateway


By default, you cannot monitor the PSTN trunk status of Yeastar TA gateway. This article introduces how to edit configuration file via SSH to achieve monitoring PSTN trunk status.

This article is tested on:

  • Yeastar TA810 version
  • Yealink T27P version

1 Edit Configuration File via SSH

Step 1. Login TA web user interface, navigate to System > Network Preference > Service, Enable SSH.

Step 2. Log in Yeastar TA gateway via SSH using Putty software.

  • Username: root
  • Password: ys123456

Step3. Execute the following command to create a custom configuration file “extensions_custom.conf”:

vi /persistent/custom-cfg/extensions_custom.conf

Step 4. Press “i” on your keyboard to switch to Insert mode, type the following sentences:

include = park-hints
include = trunks-hintcontext
include = extensions-hintcontext
exten = pstn1,hint,DAHDI/1
exten = pstn2,hint,DAHDI/2
exten = pstn3,hint,DAHDI/3
exten = pstn4,hint,DAHDI/4
exten = pstn5,hint,DAHDI/5
exten = pstn6,hint,DAHDI/6
exten = pstn7,hint,DAHDI/7
exten = pstn8,hint,DAHDI/8
exten = pstn1,1,Goto(fxo-pstn1-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn2,1,Goto(fxo-pstn2-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn3,1,Goto(fxo-pstn3-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn4,1,Goto(fxo-pstn4-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn5,1,Goto(fxo-pstn5-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn6,1,Goto(fxo-pstn6-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn7,1,Goto(fxo-pstn7-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)
exten = pstn8,1,Goto(fxo-pstn8-match,${CONTEXT:13},1)

Step 5. Type “wq” and press “Enter” key to save and quit the configuration file.


Note: the PSTN trunk names in the configuration file should be the PSTN trunk names on your TA gateway web user interface.


Step 6. Execute the two commands to make the custom configuration take effect.

asterisk -rx 'module reload'

2. Set a BLF Key on IP Phone to Monitor PSTN Trunk Status

Step 1. On the TA gateway web user interface, naviagte to Gateway > VoIP Settings > VoIP Trunk, add a new VoIP trunk, set the trunk type as “Account”.


Step 2. Register the new created account on your IP phone, here we choose the extension 8888 on the Account4.


Step 3. On the Yealink web user interface, navigate to Dsskey > Memory Key, set the Line keys.

  • Type: choose BLF.
  • Value: enter the pstn trunk name.
  • Line: choose the Line where the account is registered on.


Step 4. Click “Confirm”, check the BLF LED Status on your phone.

  • Green LED: the trunk is idle.
  • Red LED: the trunk is busy.



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