How to Create a Conference Call using Conference Panel


Yeastar S-Series Conference Panel could realize all conference management based on Web. You can initiate and administrate a conference on Web.

This guide introduces how to create a conference call and manage the conference using the S-Series Conference Panel.

1.   Create a Conference

1) Log in S-Series web interface, navigate to “PBX > Call Features > Conference”, click “Add” to create a conference.

2) Set the conference details, then click “Save” and “Apply”.

  • Name: specify the conference name.
  • Participant Password: the participant needs to enter the password to join the conference. Leave this field blank, the system will not ask for password when the participants are trying to join the conference.
  • Sound Prompt: choose the sound prompt used for the login and logout of conference members.
  • Moderator password: the participant who has not been assigned a moderator role can enter the password to take on the role.
  • Wait for Moderator: if ticked, the participants could hear the music and cannot hear each other until the moderator join in the conference.
  • Allow Participant to Invite: if ticked, all participants could press “#” to invite other users to this conference. The conference moderators always have invitation rights.
  • Member Moderators: select the conference moderators. The moderator does not need to enter password when joining the conference.

2.   Access Conference Panel

Click “Main menu”, and click conference panel to check all created conferences. On the Conference List page, you can see the conference moderators, how many people are in the conference, when the conference starts.

3.   Add Conference Contacts

1) Click “Conference Contacts” tab, and click “Add” to add a contact group.

2) Specify the contact group name.

3) Choose “Extension” type to add an extension user’s extension number or mobile number.

Note: to add a mobile number, you need to set a prefix according to your PBX’s outbound route patterns.

4) Choose “Custom” type to add an external user.

Note: for external numbers, you need to add prefix before the number according to your PBX’s outbound route patterns.

5) Click “Add”.

4.   Invite Conference Members

1) Click “Conference List” tab, and click to manage the conference.

2) Click “Open Contacts”, and select the created contact group, click “OK”.

3) You can also click “Add” to add an individual contact.

4) Select the contacts, and click “Invite Selected”.

5) The system will call the selected contacts.

6) If the contacts answer the call, they will join the conference.

5.   Manage the Conference

During the conference, the administrator can manage the conference on the web.

 : click this icon to invite an individual contact.

: click this icon to kick the contact from the current conference.

: click this icon to mute the contact.

: click this icon to unmute the contact.

: click this icon to delete the contact from the conference.

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