Oscar Colka
Yeastar Certified Expert, a fans but not an employee of Yeastar.
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Latest activity by Oscar Colka-
Oscar Colka commented,
Different Yeastar products has different kinds of API. As far as I know, Yeastar S Series PBX doesn't have API to receive SMS. S Series has only sending SMS api, see here for more deteail: https://...
Oscar Colka commented,
root password is not open as far as I know. What kind of permissions do you need?
Oscar Colka commented,
If you have setup SIP trunk and Inbound route correctly in your Free PBX, try check if you can find a setting named "Allow Guest" in FreePBX and see if it helps.
Oscar Colka commented,
Yes, I think the problem at this line as well. The incoming call (Mobile to IP) was rejected by the FreePBX. Did you setup any kind of trunk in FreePBX? Can you try get some CLI logs on Free PBX an...
Oscar Colka commented,
If you don't use Llinkus Cloud Service, then it is free.
Oscar Colka commented,
I believe this works with the Cloud PBX as well. But the way to enable SSH is different as I know.
Oscar Colka commented,
Hi Chris, Did you ever try submit a ticket and ask help from Yeastar team? According to this article, it should be possible to configure distinctive ringtone for ring groups/call queues. It seems l...
Oscar Colka commented,
Hello Hansueli, You need to login with extension as username and the password of extension as password. After you login the extension user, you will find these settings.
Oscar Colka commented,
Franz, Do you mean configure the port forwarding settings or the NAT settings on S Series PBX? If it was NAT settings, I would suggest you to try add additional localnat to try, assume your SIP tru...
Oscar Colka commented,
Hansueli, This article seems applicable for MyPBX Series only but not for S Series PBX. For S Series PBX, seems it is easier, we can change it through the web GUI as decsribed in this article: http...