Eric Jiang Hi labdelnur,
Looks like a port mapping or PBX setting issue.
Please refer to the link: https://help.yeastar.com/en/s-series/topic/set_up_linkus_server_without_lcs.html?hl=set%2Cup%2Clinkus%2Cserver%2Cwithout%2Clcs
Iabdelnur Hi Eric, thank you but it did not solve the problem. I have checked everything and it is configured correctly. I can log in and register with linkus but, after dialing, the call is established but no one can hear anything.
Any other solution? thank you.
Craig Sometimes if the codecs can negotiate it will connect the call but cannot process audio. Check that iLBC is enabled and run a test with it as the priority codec in the PBX.
You can also go maintenance - troubleshooting (leave all blank), press start, establish the call (even with no audio), terminate the call, then press stop and download. The SIP headers will tell you what codec was negotiated.
I have also had an instance of Linkus that worked after enabling car bluetooth mode (in Linkus click your picture, Settings - Advanced - Car Bluetooth. Ensure both S50 and Linkus are up to date.
Is your phone an Android or iPhone?
Iabdelnur Hello Craig, thank you. I will copy bellow the headers of the .tar file.
I have an iphone but the problem is with all the linkus, even with the desktop up. When I am on the same network as the PBX, I works well. The problem (not solved) is when I am abroad (external).
I will appreciate your help. thank you. 0000640 0000000 0000000 00000000177 14062227724 010713 0 ustar ls@yf root autoprovision=1.10.4
filter.conf 0000640 0000000 0000000 00000000062 14062227703 011777 0 ustar ls@yf root <iface>eth0</iface>
<port></port> -
Eric Jiang Hi labdelnur, I have created a ticket for you and our engineer will check more details for you.
maximiliano benites hola labdenur, me pasa algo parecido, vía LAN me anda el linkus, pero via WAN no (que es en tu caso cuando te vas al extranjero), hasta que active los 30 días de prueba de la nube en linkus y el problema desapareció.
Iabdelnur Gracias Maximiliano. ¿Qué ocurre cuando se te pasan los 30 días de prueba?
maximiliano benites no te deja llamar a nadie via WAN, así que mi consejo es que te fijes si tenes el modo pago de linkus, del caso de no tenerlo, ahí esta tu problema, es más, me dijeron que se puede llamar via WAN sin la necesidad de tener el modo pago, pero sigo buscando esa información, saludos!
Iabdelnur esta función estuvo activa hasta no hace más de una semana (antes de la última actualización). De terror si sacaron esta función, cual es algo elemental en cualquier central telefónica. Please tell me si consigues cómo destrabar esto. Gracias.