disabled extensions from PBX web

【related features】



Not Planned, not sure if there is a wide range of use cases

【customer’s idea】

When customer has big number of employees, every time there is a staff turnover.

In such companies each device (in this example IP-phone) has inventory number, and it must locate in exact department or exact desk.

After some employee quits, phone must be located on this free desk but don’t have possibility to make calls (including internal calls, because all calls must be identified from exact person) but keep extension number.

When new employee appears, in this extension just notes new name and enable to work.

In this case very uncomfortable just delete IP-phone autoP connection with this extension. It will be good just disable the extension.

Not necessary unregister the phone, it can be registered but just can’t make calls.

It’s not just one case, in big companies we got such request many times.


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