hello community,
I would like to ask you, if we have a possibility to turn off sms delivery receipt after send of sms over API with TG 1600 .
thanks !
hello community,
I would like to ask you, if we have a possibility to turn off sms delivery receipt after send of sms over API with TG 1600 .
thanks !
when i send a message via web gui, sms delivery receipt ist off.
Product Type:TG1600
Can someone help me please!!
Hi Dragan, you can disable it from the module setting.
Hi Eric, exactly that is my problem. In module Settings is deactivated.
When i send a message via web gui, sms delivery receipt ist off but over API is always ON!!
Command: “Action: smscommand\r\ncommand: gsm send sms $port+1 $dest \"$message\" $id\r\n\r\n”
OK, it maybe a bug I have created a ticket and our support engineer will check with you soon.