The quality of music on hold in the call queue and music on hold (MOH) in the S-series with the rest in the P-series is similarly tragic, no operations with the music file can improve it. Can Yeastar improve this problem in the next firm? Customers are complaining and there's nothing you can do about it.
Artur Kwadrans Sorry, the mistake is supposed to be: Can Yeastar improve this problem in the next firmware?
Eric Jiang Hi Artur, Do you use the default moh prompt or custom prompt?
Artur Kwadrans I tried everything and those in the headquarters and others. No positive effect, but the music files in the control panel are the worst. As if it was not the same to the beginning of Yeastar and the first models. It seems to me that the problem is in playing the music itself and no matter what it is, it's always tragic.
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