I have two site with one mikrotik routers on each site. The second one takes the first one to go on the internet but on the first site I installed a Yeastar S50 which is running but the problem is that the phones can't reach each other. There is only one way calling . One is on the network and the other , the S50 has for address .please help me
Gregery Armbrust I would do a packet capture at both ends while making a call to see were the miss routing is happening. I would be something in the VPN set up
Larry Neblett You need to make certain that both PBXs have the local network of the other in the General, SIP, NAT, local network settings.
As both are connected via a VPN, then both appear to be local to the other as there is no NAT taking place. However. unless you tell each PBX of the other's local network, then when they see a request coming from the other PBX they will consider it an external address and format the message using the PBX's public IP rather than their private IP.
Gregery Armbrust Or what Larry said :)
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